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Thursday 28 June 2012

The Wren Academy Sumer Production

During the academic day of the 28th June, young stars entered that school hall to reherse the delightfuil musical known as 'Hairspray'. The cast have been working very hard to ensure that the audience enjoy the full satasfaction of the art of thearte.
The performence shows at 4th, 5th and 6th of July between the times of 7:00 to 9:00pm.

Thursday 14 June 2012

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Thursday 31 May 2012

Athletics Day Results

On Wednesday 30th May, the Wren Academy attend Copthall Stadium for a competitive sports day. All six houses took part in a jaw-dropping competition full of excitement. These were the positions in which they came in...

Thursday 24 May 2012

Business GCSE

Year 10 students have now completed 25% of their Business and Economic GCSE. They have now started work on their Economic course which they Will have a GCSE in year 11. In January 2013 they will start their controlled assessments which they were given the title options of this week. Some students said they found the GCSE easier than expected and others found it quite confusing. They will complete the next 75% of their GCSE in year 11.

Thursday 17 May 2012

RS GCSE for the year 9s

On Tuesday 15th May all the Year 9s had their first GCSE; the RS exam. Everyone had different opinions on how hard it was as some thought it was easier than the mock, but others thought it was harder. Since the Year 9s knew what was coming from the mock they had had not long before, eveyone was more aware of their timing and kept a sharper eye on the clock. The test was 1hr 30mins and was made up of 4 sections equalling to 80 marks total for the whole test. Let's hope we got a high mark!

Thursday 10 May 2012

Asking about enrichments

We asked some students if they enjoyed their enrichment, and here are the results!

YES: 9 students
OK: 4 students
NO: 1 student

Thursday 3 May 2012

Sports teams

At Wren we have many great sport teams to join, we have football, basketball, netball and athletics.
The year 8 girls' football team have had a fantastic season and came 1st in the premier league. The boys have also done very well and came 2nd in the premier legue.

Thursday 26 April 2012

Year 8 focus day

On the focus day year 8 did about presentation matters and they had to make a presentation about a product. They had to make their presentation as persuasive as possible so the judges would buy the product. The activity was a recreation of the style of the apprentice.

Year 9 Focus Day

On Tuesday 24th April 2012, the year 9s had a focus day on healthy lifesyles.
It gave us information on drugs, healthy eating, fitness and mental health. For instance we were able to visit the ask FRANK website to see the VERY LONG list of dugs from A-Z. We were also able to see what types of mental health problems people had, eg. OCD, Anoerexia, Depression.
Overall, this day helped us a lot as we were able to watch videos about the topics and how the people went about in thier lives and how to try and live healthy ourselves.

Unexpected arrival at Wren.

On Wednesday 25th April at around 12:10pm there was a sudden loud noise that got all of our attention. As our Sixth Form Centre has just started to be built many people thought that it was the builders and the building work. As it got louder people started to realise that it wasn't the building work but it was a helicopter. We were all surprised at the sight of an Air Ambulance landing right in the middle of our School Playground. We were just about to leave our lessons when it arrived, but we had to stay in the lesson we were in until we got clearance from the Air Ambulance Crew. As we departed for our next lesson (or lunch) around 10 minutes late we all passed the helicopter and we were amazed it had landed in our playground!  We had to pull the blinds down in our classrooms so we couldn't see the casualty being brought to the helicopter. However when we heard the helicopter start up, we were allowed to open the blinds and see it take off. It had been in the Playground for about an hour before it took off, as we heard the rotors start up, we opened the blinds and went to the window. As it had been raining very heavy while the helicopter was on the ground, when the rotors started, all the water that flew of was amazing! When it finally took to the air the Co-pilot gave us all a wave and then the helicopter was off into the distance carrying the casualty to a hospital in Central London.

We can say that the injured man was a truck driver that had been chasing after his Sainsbury's truck after it had been stolen. The man tripped over and injured his head severely so that he needed immediate attention and had to be taken to Hospital by helicopter. The school was the closest place that the Air Ambulance could land because it was on the side road behind the school.

Let's all hope he get's better soon and that the criminal is caught.

Thursday 19 April 2012

Ski Trip Opinions

We asked some students who went on the ski trip what they thought of it

Q1. Did you enjoy the ski trip?
YES: 6 students
NO: 0 students

Q2. Did you know how to ski before you went?
YES: 1 student
NO: 4 students

Q3. Would you go again?
YES: 4 students
NO: 0 students

Q5. Did you injure yourself?
YES: 2 students
NO: 3 students

The trip was 5 days long and it was situated in the Pyrenees everyone enjoyed it and agree it was a great success.

Joseph Kony 2012

Please help us in our bid to catch Joseph Kony this year (2012)
Thank you

Focus Day

On  the  24th  April  2012,  the  Wren  Academy  will  proceed  with  a fun filled  focus  day.  Each year  group  will  take  part  in  different  activities  for  the  day.

Year  7 : Olympics DBE
Year  8 : Y8 - Presentation Matters
Year  9 : Healthy Lifestyles
Year 10 : Citizenship/Diversity