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Thursday 22 September 2011

Year 10

Welcome back Year 10’s.

We would like to congratulate all year 10’s on their R.S results.

Whilst we are still drifting in the summer memories, the Year 10’s have an incredibly important year ahead of them.  This is their most important year so far.  This is the Year 10’s first year of GCSE’s.  Students at Wren are starting to feel the pressure in the first few days, I wonder what will they feel when the real test begins as the exams start? Not only are the students anxious, but the teachers have similar worries… The Teachers will have to teach like they’ve never taught before to make sure their students get the results they deserve… The tension rises and the race begins -  students, it’s all up to you now.  Best of luck!

As we complete our first week at Wren, we wait for what Wren has to offer next.  Year 10 students have started all their preferences and they already have started preparation for the big exams.

Focus Day

Monday 19th September was the first Focus Day this year and the Year 10's focused on Personal Finance.  We did five different lessons .

One of the lessons was the Fortunity Game which is about exploring different stages of life and how finance is connected with it which made us get points, money and brain power.

We played Beat the Bookie which meant we had to use our instincts and the best odds to try and make money.

Make it with the Band was a video in which we had to make sure we chose the right option for the band.

We all learnt about how and why and when finance can help us in life. 

The first Focus Day for Year 10 was a success.

Year 8 Focus Day

On Monday 19th september 2011 it was a Focus Day. On this Focus Day the Year 8's were learning about a mixture of PSHE lessons covering drug awareness, healthy relationships and grief.  We were separated into our houses and put into groups for the different lessons.  We were very lucky because we got people to come in from nflame and a police officer.  During this day we were based in B block (science block) and we did lots of different activities. The police woman spoke to us about drugs and different weapons and how you could get arrested and what would happen to you.  This was very interesting for us.  Nflame spoke to us about a mixture of things like relationships, drugs and beliefs.  It was a very enjoyable day for us.

Year 7

Welcome to Year 7!
When you start Wren Academy it is a bit scary but after a few days you will get used to the way Wren Academy works.  It is easy to figure out your way around the school and if you get lost one of the students will be happy enough to show you around.

Year 8 Football Match

The Year 8's had a football match on the 21st of September.  Unfortunately we lost 5:3.  We put in our full effort and played to our full potential but the better team won.  Many people came to watch the match and we all enjoyed it .... it was the second game of the league.#

Year 7's Focus Day

This picture is showing a perfomance
 in the ICA studio because 'arts' is
 not just paintings.  
On Year 7's Focus Day we went to ICA. If you guys don't know what ICA is we will tell you - it stands for the Institute of Contemporary Arts.

Charity Fundraising

The Charity Fundraising Enrichment Group.
We have to try and raise £1000 for the famine in East Africa.  The Charity Fundraising Enrichment Group have given you two options that you can choose from. The two options are:

  • sleep in your garden or on the bedroom floor 
  • give up a meal and give the money you would spend in to school
It is the worst drought in 60 years; 10 million people have died from the famine; $12million is needed in immediate assistance.  The Red Cross deliver food for 2400 people by lorry.  In Somalia, 2.2 million people are refugees. The famine/drought is in Ethiopia, Kenya and Somalia.
You need to try and get sponsored to do one of the fundraising ideas on 24th/25th September.  It is the worst food crisis EVER.  Eleven million people affected which is approximately equal to half of Australia’s population.
We could help - if everyone in the school gave £2 we could raise well more than £1000.
Take part. Help people less fortunate.
Please help