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Thursday 19 April 2012

Ski Trip Opinions

We asked some students who went on the ski trip what they thought of it

Q1. Did you enjoy the ski trip?
YES: 6 students
NO: 0 students

Q2. Did you know how to ski before you went?
YES: 1 student
NO: 4 students

Q3. Would you go again?
YES: 4 students
NO: 0 students

Q5. Did you injure yourself?
YES: 2 students
NO: 3 students

The trip was 5 days long and it was situated in the Pyrenees everyone enjoyed it and agree it was a great success.

Joseph Kony 2012

Please help us in our bid to catch Joseph Kony this year (2012)
Thank you

Focus Day

On  the  24th  April  2012,  the  Wren  Academy  will  proceed  with  a fun filled  focus  day.  Each year  group  will  take  part  in  different  activities  for  the  day.

Year  7 : Olympics DBE
Year  8 : Y8 - Presentation Matters
Year  9 : Healthy Lifestyles
Year 10 : Citizenship/Diversity

Our new WrenBloggers teacher

As you are aware our WrenBloggers teacher Ms Dawes left us at the end of last term. We would like to give a big welcome to our new teacher Ms Evangelou. She is going to be teaching us until the summer and we are glad to have her as our new teacher. We should be on track to be posting every week about the happenings around Wren Academy!