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Thursday 1 December 2011

Y7 Athletics

On the  23rd of November some Year 7's represented Wren Academy and competed in an indoor Barnet Athletics competition.  The first race was a boys' 1 x 4 relay race.  We won!!!

Numeracy Day

Numeracy Day!
Tomorrow ( Friday 2nd December) we are having a Numeracy day which means we will be having a maths starter at the beginning of every lesson, we will also be having a guess how many sweets that are in the jar which is 20p a guess. You can also sponsor a maths class mate to represent your house in the maths competition .


On Wednesday 30th November there was a strike and some of the teachers took part. Because of this Wren had no school and the pupils had a day off.

Wren Newcomers Interview

Wren Newcomers Interview
Miss Roe:
English Teacher:

Did you always want to become a teacher?
No - I worked in charity fund raising before I was a teacher.
Why did you choose to become a secondary school teacher?
Because my mum is a primary school teacher and I wanted to teach older children.
Why did you choose to apply at Wren?
It is a really impressive school and I liked the idea students are also taught in single sex classes for some subjects.
What has been your best experience so far?
The enthusiasm that the students from charity fund raising enrichment had when organising the cake sale for Children in Need.
What was your first impression when you entered Wren?
The new building is amazing and so clean - it was really impressive.
How is Wren different to when you were a student?
I was taught by nuns - it was very strict and old fashioned.  At Wren you have a freedom to express your views.
What was your favourite subject at school?
What advice would you give new teachers who come to Wren?
Students are a lot smarter then students from other schools.

Miss Nanji:
Head of Geography:

Did you always want to become a teacher?
Since I was 15.
Why did you choose to become a secondary school teacher?
Because I only wanted to teach my favourite subject.
Why did you choose to apply at Wren?
It is a new school and its just starting the GCSEs and has a great reputation.

What has been your best experience so far?
Knitting Enrichment is really  fun and relaxing.
What was your first impression when you entered Wren?
New building as I came from an old school.
How is Wren different to when you were a student?
It's similar as there is a Student opinion.
What was your favourite subject at school?
What advice would you give new teachers who come to Wren?
Be prepared and plan lessons you enjoy because if you enjoy them students will.

Mr Tolley:
Science teacher:

Did you always want to become a teacher?
Why did you choose to become a secondary school teacher?
More comfortable with older students.
Why did you choose to apply at Wren?
First school I found on the website which appealed to me.
What has been your best experience so far?
Year 7 St Paul's trip.
What was your first impression when you entered Wren?
A bit scared it was my first job in London.
How is Wren different to when you were a student?
Lots more technology.
What was your favourite subject at school?
What advice would you give new teachers who come to Wren?
Have fun and be prepared.

Guests in RE for year 8s

For year 8 in RE at the moment we have been having guests coming in to tell us about their religion. So far we have had two people from Hinduism and another person came in from the Christian faith. They are a great opportunity to find out anything you do not know about that faith and we hope to have more religious people coming in.

Children in need cake sale

On Wednesday the 16th October a cake sale was held in the resteraunt at breaktime for all the students and teachers. People bought in homemade and bought cakes. There was a competition for the best homemade cake! All the money raised went to children in need.
Blush Cup Cake

Pudsey Cup Cake Pudsey Biscuit

Interview about numeracy day

On the 22nd of December is the wren academy numeracy day. Here is an interview from Mr Morgan the maths teacher that organised it and will be running it:
1)      When is numeracy day?
Mr Morgan: Friday 2nd of December.

2)      Are you looking forward to it and why?

Mr Morgan: Yes, absolutely! We’ll be raising money for the National Society of Prevention of Cruelty to Children and there will be lots of house points on offer and a chance to win a lot of sweets!

3)      What different maths subjects are we going to learn on the day?
Mr Morgan: There’ll be various puzzles in the restaurant at break and lunch and a competition between the houses at lunch

4) How will it help us?

Mr Morgan: Raises awareness of both maths and the charity NSPCC – but you guys will probably be more interested in guessing the correct number of sweets in the jar!

5)      How are the lessons going to be different from normal maths lessons?
Mr Morgan: The maths lessons will remain the same, but every lesson will have a maths starter – please remind your teachers as they often forget!

6)      Are all the lessons on that day going to be maths?
Mr Morgan: No – it’ll be your regular day, but with some numeracy in every lesson and break.

dance competition

Dance competition

At the Wren Academy we have recently had a dance competition; the way you get points for your house is by winning the competition and the easiest part, participation.  The teachers try to encourage everybody to take part as participation gets a lot of points.

A new link to the blog!

We are glad to announce that very soon you will be able to access the blog from the schools website. This will mean that more people will be able to access the blog, and see what effort we put into it to keep it up to date. Every Thursday 23 people come to the I.C.T room and work together to update the blog.

Year 8 Trip to Tate Modern

On Monday year 8 went to the famous Tate Modern in central London, to see the weird and wonderful creations there. It gave us a chance to take a look at the designs and have a go drawing some of the things we saw there. It was great experience and we hope to go back there when all the building work is complete in the future.