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Thursday 20 October 2011

Year 8 Focus Day

On Monday the school had a focus day. The Year 8 focus day was based on the enviroment around us. We learnt about Penyore & Prasad; the people who designed our school, we created our own artwork and we really enjoyed doing the spray painting.

ADT after school club

Miss Yule has a drop in after school club for anything you want to do in ADT. This is on Tuesdays and Thursdays in D45 in her room. She welcomes all Years and lets you play music of your choice.

Well done everyone!

The school was aiming for a target of £1000, but instead we raised a whopping £1938!

Congratulations everyone on your hard efforts!

All the money will go to the East Africa famine relief, where it will help with food, clothes and water resources.

Hip-Hip Hooray!  :-)

Year 7 Football Match

On 18th of October the Year 7 football team played East Barnet School.

We won 5-0!

XO     (AWESOME! face)

Year 7 Football Match

On 11th of October the Year 7 football team went to Ashmole School and played a successful 2-1 win.

It was a tough match.  We went 2-0 up before half time.  It was a tense second half when there was a sudden break for our opponents.  Joe, one of our defenders, went to close the ball down.  He failed.  The ball was crossed down the wing  then played back into the middle and they scored from a header.We carried on with our heads high to hold of a brilliant team and win 2-1.

Yr7 Focus Day: St Paul's cathedral

On Monday 17th October Wren Academy had a focus day and the Year 7's went to St Paul's Cathedral and their House church. We learnt lots of new things like St Mary's Le Bow was the second most expensive church that Sir Christopher Wren designed. One of the main things we did when we were there was drawing the church and the parts of the building.

Here are pictures of the places we visited:

Focus day number two: Year 10

This focus day Year 10 were learning about drugs, the law, what effects there are and how it has ruined lives. We had a number of visitors. Darren Gold told Year 10 about his experience with drugs and how his children are the best highs he ever had and how he regrets his drug-taking. We also had a police officer who has been coming to Wren Academy since we were in Year 7 and most people know her from primary school. Officer Siobhan taught Year 10s about drugs and the law; she used examples about how they hid drugs in their clothes and how police officers would stop at nothing to find them. Also we had the Wren Academy teachers lead an activity which involved a photo story and in groups you had to create still images to show how to solve risks and how you should do the right thing. They also made us recognise the types of drugs and what to stay away from.

Yr 7 focus day to St. Paul's and St. Andrews

Y8 Football

I am afraid to say that with the football this week the Year 8 footbal team lost 5:0 to East Barnet, this is our worst loss and we are sorry that we  did not win the match. We put in 120% effort but we couldn't get a goal in the net.
;(    (sad face)

Interview With Mr Justice Mills

Good afternoon Sir,
1) So what actually is the event?
It is a Christmas Art and Craft Fair which is a public event.
2) What is the money going to raise for?
New School Minibus and the predicted amount is £2000-3000
3) What are the events?
-Stalls for Food
-Stalls for Handmade Arts and Crafts
-Raffle- 1st prize is the iPhone 4 which has been sponsored by BARCLAYS.
-Miss Campbell's Handmade Greeting cards
-Jewelry and Fashion Accessories
4)How long has it taken to organise and by who?
We started in the summer and have spent more than 4 weeks organising it. The Friends of Wren, Site Services and Mr Justice Mills.
5)What are the 'MUST SEE' events?
The arts and crafts stalls
6)When is it, Where is it and what is the entry fee?
It is on Sunday 27th November 2011, 12.30-16.30
It is in the Wren Restaurant
Entrance Fees- Adults=£1 and Children in 'Pushchairs' go free!!!
7)How are you going to advertise and promote the event?
Putting it in to the local papers
Word of Mouth - (so tell all your friends and family)
Wren Blog
8) How can we help?
Spread the word of mouth. Tell your friends and family, if you have face book, maybe share it on face book
9)What gave you the idea of doing this?
I am an Artist myself and I enjoy art as well as I have organised such event before, so I have many experiences.
10)Do you think it will be a success?
Hopefully...with help from the students and Wren staff it should be a Great Success!

Extra Information=
If you would like a stall please contact the school.
If students want to run a stall then please contact Mr. Justice Mills
If you would like to make arts and craft for the stall that would be wonderful, you can contact Mr Justice Mills

P.S You are welcome to make sensible comments on what you would like to see at the Arts and Crafts Fair.

New Fronter

Our school uses a website called Fronter to give out some of our Home learning, and other schools may have used this too, and have probably noticed that it has completely changed. It's layout has changed and for some people it is a hassle, but it's probably going to be one of those things where we're going to have to get used to it.

Cake sale

Charity fundraising enrichment has arranged a cake sale on November 18th for Children In Need. Break time in the restaurant cakes start at £1+

BBC British charity appeal running since 1980, Pudsey bear is the mascot.  25,000 impaired children in the UK.

Our vision is that every child in the UK has a childhood which is:

·  Safe
·  Happy and Secure
·  Allows them the chance to reach their potential

Raised way over £600 million.