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Thursday 29 September 2011

Year 9 focus day

On the 19th September Year 9s had a focus day, it was all about careers, budget planning and what we would like to do in the future. It was fun and interesting as we got to see on average on how much money we would need to be earning to be able to pay for the things that we want to own/ afford when we're at a working age (18+). We looked at booklets about differnet careers for us to choose in the future; it contained the average salary you earn, descriptions about it and qualifications you need to become it. We also used a special website called "Fast Tomato", the website basically lets you take a special questionnare that then gives you suggestions as to what careers you may want to take in the future. Or you can just look up a career and see the qualifications you need for it. :-)

Year 8 Enrichments!

Here at Wren Acdemy, we have a mixture of different enrichments on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 3:00 pm until 4:00 pm. Even when some of us don't like that certain activity we have been put down for, we all try to have fun in our enrichments, and try to achieve our best. On this page we want to show you some of what Year 8's and other years do in some of the the extra hours of the week . We hope you ENJOY our videos & pictures!! 
Cooking Enrichments.

Sports Enrichments.

sports enrichment

This is a video of people playing football in sport enrichment. 


One Enrichment at Wren Academy is Gardening. We are currently in the process of planting bulbs to flower next year. We have weeded all of the beds so that they don't have any more weeds in them and it is starting to look really great!