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Thursday 9 February 2012

Duke Of Edinburgh

Duke of Edinburgh encourages young people to go on adventures. As a Church of England school, Wren Academy decided to take part in the scheme. There are 3 awards starting with the lowest as bronze and the highest as gold.
Due to the snowy weather we have had in early February, many students took part in helping keep the school safe by removing the ice. This was not in any form of a punishment as students did this to develop themselves as individuals to help them win their Duke of Edinburgh award. Here are some pictures of them.

Interview: Teachers that have been here since the begining (2008)...

Miss Snowsill
1.       What was your first hope for our school?
Making people passionate about learning
2.       Throughout the years the school has been going on, what is the biggest achievement in your opinion?
Created a learning institution where students enjoy learning and are successful. Also getting an ‘OUTSTANDING’ from Ofsted
3.       What have you enjoyed the most in Wren Academy’s life?
Everyday relationships between Students and Staff
4.       What made you apply to Wren?
I saw a Advert and it was perfect as it specialises in architecture and design and it was new school so we could build the school in our own way instead of recreating new things.
5.       Had you taught in another school before?
Several schools
6.       What did it feel like being one of the first teachers here?
I feel Privileged but with tremendous responsibility.
7.       Apart from the subject you teach, what other subject would you like to teach?
I was an interior designer and wanted to become a teacher as I liked teaching adults to read and write and loved teaching.
Miss De’Verteuil
1.       What was your first hope for our school?
That student’s would enjoy their learning and take advantage of the fantastic opportunity given to them.
2.       Throughout the years the school has been going on, what is the biggest achievement in your opinion?
RS GCSE results
3.       What have you enjoyed the most in Wren Academy’s life?
Working with incredible staff and students.
4.       What made you apply to Wren?
I was recruited through an agency.
5.       Had you taught in another school before?
6.       What did it feel like being one of the first teachers here?
Great as I have been here from the beginning and can watch Wren grow.
7.       Apart from the subject you teach, what other subject would you like to teach?
None, just Maths!
 Mr Morgan

1.       What was your first hope for our school?
Great students who create the good learning atmosphere.
2.       Throughout the years the school has been going on, what is the biggest achievement in your opinion?
Getting ‘OUTSTANDING’ from Ofsted.
3.       What have you enjoyed the most in Wren Academy’s life?
Working with the staff and students.
4.       What made you apply to Wren?
Having the opportunity of a working in a brand new school.
5.       Had you taught in another school before?
6.       What did it feel like being one of the first teachers here?
Having a bit of an ‘ownership’ of the school!
7.       Apart from the subject you teach, what other subject would you like to teach?
Physics and would love to teach Music!


One enrichment we visited this week was business. In this enrichment students create their own company and sell certain things around the school. This term they have been making 'scooby doos', here are some pictures of students working hard to keep their business up.


On Saturday night there was so much snow and on sunday morning it was so pretty and there were so many people playing in the snow! Tell us what you did this on this super day!

P.E Teachers interview

1.  How do you feel about P.E being taken by a number of students?
It is a Fantastic Opportunity.
2. What is the best achievement you believe P.E teachers have accomplished?
The Opportunity for students to participate.
3. What is your favourite sport taught?
Athletics because of the variety of different activities
4. What sport do you want our students to be taught?
5.  Do you enjoy teaching different sports to each year?
Yes, variety and different personalities and activities.
6.  How have our school's teams made the academy proud?
Being successful such as our athletics team and the girls' football team
7.  What do you think students enjoy most about P.E?
      Being active.

1)How do you feel about P.E being taken by a number of students?
Very happy.
2)What is the best achievement you believe P.E teachers have accomplished?
It is an integrated curriculum.
3)What is your favourite sport taught?
4)What sport do you want are students to be taught?
5)Do you enjoy teaching different sports to each year?
6)How have are schools teams made the academy proud?
They do and always have behaved and are well managed, they also demonstrate good learning and understanding.