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Thursday 2 February 2012

wren win the barnet leauge for the first time

On Tuesday Year 7 won 8-0 against Friern Barnet. WELL DONE!

Mosque visit

Mosque visit

On Monday 6th February Year7 went on a Religious Education trip to a  Mosque, to find out new things about Islam.

year 7's focus day!

Year7 had a focus day which was called personal finances. They did loads of competitions like who could spend the most money, but they only had 50 pounds to spend in shares from different companies.There were loads of competitions.

survey on year 7s favourite subjects

We asked 50 Year 7 students about what was their favourite subject and here's what they said:
Maths= 5
Humanities= 4
English= 6
Science= 7
Music= 4
A.D.T= 7
French= 2
P.E= 11
Tutorial= 4

Wren blog

As amazing as we are, we need to ask for some feedback... Is there anything that you want to tell us about our AMAZING blog!? =D

Year 8 trip

On Friday 3rd February year 8 are going to Spitllefield, to watch a street performance on a play called 'The Girl Who...'. We don't know what the  performance is going to be about until we get there!

Our school production

Last year we did Bugsy Malone as a school production; this year we are going to perform another great production, no one knows yet what it will be. IT'S A BIG SECRET!!!!!! ;0

Year 7 girls tag rugby

This week in P.E for Yr7 Strand girls, they started tag rugby. Theye finished doing dance for 6 weeks and  moved on to a new topic. So far they have only had one lesson on it but it has been a very enjoyable experince. Although the weather has been freezing still had a great time.

Year 8 focus day

Year 8s' focus day was based on drama, some professional drama people came into help, as they created performances, space specific.They had to use the space to create a piece of drama, using levels, canon, still images in small groups and then added them to thier final piece.