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Thursday 6 October 2011


Year 7 CATS Tests
This week some of the year sevens did their CATs test. It is a range of non-verbal, verbal and maths questions. These tests were taken on computers and they are supposed to test the Year7s abilities. The reading and spelling test were taken in an English lesson. Normally a test is pressurising  but not here at Wren Academy as the teachers make sure you understand everything as it is just to test your ability so that the school knows what to help the Year 7s improve on.

Year 9 history

In Year 9 we're learning about the slave trade and how black people were treated when captured in Africa, also about how they were transported mostly from West Africa in either "Tight Pack" or "Loose Pack". Year 9 is also learning about whether they think that life on a plantation was good or not. To help them they are watching a film called "Roots" which is about a boy called "Kunta Kinte" that gets captured in Africa and transported to America,  he then gets sold in an auction to a white, plantation owner(a man because in the 1500s woman would be extremely restricted and would call their husband "MASTER".

Open Evening

On Wednesday the 5th of October Wren Academy had an open evening where students would take people around the school.  Some students were tour guides and some were showing the kinds of things you would do if you came to Wren Academy.

Views from different countries

Recently a few people from countries across the GLOBE have visited our blog including:
United Kingdom: 485 (probably because we have been editing it every Thursday)
United States: 7

Russia: 2

Germany: 1

Wren Academy ADT

ADT stands for Art Design and technology.

ADT is one of our specialisms at Wren Academy. Year7, Year8 and Year9 have ADT three times every week.
      In year 7 one of the things we do is make ice cream sundae's.
      In year 8 one of the things we focus on is the Gernica.

      In Year 9 one of the things we focus on is fusion foods.


These are some pictures from Enrichments