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Thursday 8 December 2011

Interviews: Receptionists

Miss Lawerence:
What attracted you to Wren?
The chance to be part of a brand new school and because I can give it my own mark...and lastly beacuse I can watch it grow.
What was your first experience like at Wren?
It was scary as it was only half a building and no students therefore it was a bit strange.
What is your funniest memory at Wren?
I was late for my interview beacuse the bus I was in got stopped by the police so I had to run through the door having to face Mrs Bell
How is Wren different to when you were a student?
You guys get much more opportunity and option/choices by student voice and your building is much better...
What was your first dream occupation?
To be a Dancer
If you were a teacher at Wren what would you teach?
How do you cope with so much responsibility as Wren wouldn't run without you?
By being organised and prioritising.
What is you best hope for Wren Academy's future?
To continue being a outstanding school and have outstanding students

Miss Jones- (reprographics officer):
What attracted you to Wren?
I was a temporary staff member and was directed to Wren by my agency
What was your first experiance like at Wren?
Happy! We were(still are) one big happy family. Everything was very new, neat and clean
What is your funniest memory at Wren?
Wren's Got Talent- Staff Only, where I dressed up as a nun and we did a 'sister act'
How is Wren different to when you were a student?
A lot more of choice of subjects and a lot more technology availible to help you with your learning
What was your first dream occupation?
To be a builder
If you were a teacher at Wren what would you teach?
Interior Design
How do you cope with so much responsibility as Wren wouldn't run without you?
Just get on with it with a happy smile :)
What is you best hope for Wren Academy's future?
That it wins a lot of awards for being the best school and the students get a chance to be what they want to be!

Miss Stretton
What attracted you to Wren?
I hadn't worked for 10 years and this job fitted in with my family life
What was your first experience like at Wren?
Exciting! Brand New! Building site!
What is your funniest memory at Wren?
Wren's Got Talent- Staff Only- Dressed up as a student
How is Wren different to when you were a student?
More modern, much better atmosphere and the food is a lot better
What was your first dream occupation?
Beauty Therepist
If you were a teacher at Wren what would you teach?
How do you cope with so much responsibility as Wren wouldn't run without you?
It is all about multi- tasking in a whole new dimension...
What is you best hope for Wren Academy's future?
Continues to be outstanding and have very talented young individuels...

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