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Thursday 12 January 2012

Religious Education Teachers interviews

Miss Walters.

1) What is the best thing that religious education has achieved?
First GCSE and RE/RS getting an outstanding report.

2) Are you religious yourself

3) Does this influence your opinions on how you teach?
I think so

4) How do you feel about religious education being the first GCSE taken by students?
I wanted it to happen because its Church of England school, why not.

5) Do you think the visits to church every Christmas are a good part of the Church of England ethos?
Yes but it should happen more frequently like once every term.

6)Did you apply to Wren because of the Church of England ethos?
Not at all I wanted a non-ethos school so that I can implement it.

7) What is Wren Academy's most valuable lesson taught in Religious Education?
Learning about other faiths and how to respect them. Also having open discussions.

8) What other subjects would you teach?

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