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Thursday 9 February 2012

P.E Teachers interview

1.  How do you feel about P.E being taken by a number of students?
It is a Fantastic Opportunity.
2. What is the best achievement you believe P.E teachers have accomplished?
The Opportunity for students to participate.
3. What is your favourite sport taught?
Athletics because of the variety of different activities
4. What sport do you want our students to be taught?
5.  Do you enjoy teaching different sports to each year?
Yes, variety and different personalities and activities.
6.  How have our school's teams made the academy proud?
Being successful such as our athletics team and the girls' football team
7.  What do you think students enjoy most about P.E?
      Being active.

1)How do you feel about P.E being taken by a number of students?
Very happy.
2)What is the best achievement you believe P.E teachers have accomplished?
It is an integrated curriculum.
3)What is your favourite sport taught?
4)What sport do you want are students to be taught?
5)Do you enjoy teaching different sports to each year?
6)How have are schools teams made the academy proud?
They do and always have behaved and are well managed, they also demonstrate good learning and understanding.

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