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Thursday 1 December 2011

Interview about numeracy day

On the 22nd of December is the wren academy numeracy day. Here is an interview from Mr Morgan the maths teacher that organised it and will be running it:
1)      When is numeracy day?
Mr Morgan: Friday 2nd of December.

2)      Are you looking forward to it and why?

Mr Morgan: Yes, absolutely! We’ll be raising money for the National Society of Prevention of Cruelty to Children and there will be lots of house points on offer and a chance to win a lot of sweets!

3)      What different maths subjects are we going to learn on the day?
Mr Morgan: There’ll be various puzzles in the restaurant at break and lunch and a competition between the houses at lunch

4) How will it help us?

Mr Morgan: Raises awareness of both maths and the charity NSPCC – but you guys will probably be more interested in guessing the correct number of sweets in the jar!

5)      How are the lessons going to be different from normal maths lessons?
Mr Morgan: The maths lessons will remain the same, but every lesson will have a maths starter – please remind your teachers as they often forget!

6)      Are all the lessons on that day going to be maths?
Mr Morgan: No – it’ll be your regular day, but with some numeracy in every lesson and break.

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