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Thursday 1 December 2011

Wren Newcomers Interview

Wren Newcomers Interview
Miss Roe:
English Teacher:

Did you always want to become a teacher?
No - I worked in charity fund raising before I was a teacher.
Why did you choose to become a secondary school teacher?
Because my mum is a primary school teacher and I wanted to teach older children.
Why did you choose to apply at Wren?
It is a really impressive school and I liked the idea students are also taught in single sex classes for some subjects.
What has been your best experience so far?
The enthusiasm that the students from charity fund raising enrichment had when organising the cake sale for Children in Need.
What was your first impression when you entered Wren?
The new building is amazing and so clean - it was really impressive.
How is Wren different to when you were a student?
I was taught by nuns - it was very strict and old fashioned.  At Wren you have a freedom to express your views.
What was your favourite subject at school?
What advice would you give new teachers who come to Wren?
Students are a lot smarter then students from other schools.

Miss Nanji:
Head of Geography:

Did you always want to become a teacher?
Since I was 15.
Why did you choose to become a secondary school teacher?
Because I only wanted to teach my favourite subject.
Why did you choose to apply at Wren?
It is a new school and its just starting the GCSEs and has a great reputation.

What has been your best experience so far?
Knitting Enrichment is really  fun and relaxing.
What was your first impression when you entered Wren?
New building as I came from an old school.
How is Wren different to when you were a student?
It's similar as there is a Student opinion.
What was your favourite subject at school?
What advice would you give new teachers who come to Wren?
Be prepared and plan lessons you enjoy because if you enjoy them students will.

Mr Tolley:
Science teacher:

Did you always want to become a teacher?
Why did you choose to become a secondary school teacher?
More comfortable with older students.
Why did you choose to apply at Wren?
First school I found on the website which appealed to me.
What has been your best experience so far?
Year 7 St Paul's trip.
What was your first impression when you entered Wren?
A bit scared it was my first job in London.
How is Wren different to when you were a student?
Lots more technology.
What was your favourite subject at school?
What advice would you give new teachers who come to Wren?
Have fun and be prepared.

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